Former Clark County Public Administrator, John J. Cahill, Endorses Rita Page Reid

My Democratic friends, you will have an opportunity to vote REID again very soon!  OK, not a Searchlight Reid, a Boston Reid through marriage:  Rita Page Reid 2022 primary candidate for Clark County Public Administrator (a job I know something about, really, 12 years!)
Rita Page Reid, with 15 years as Assistant Public Administrator, is the best choice in the primary race and will win the office in November, IF successful in the primary three-way contest.  
Ms. Reid came from her position as Assistant County Clerk to elected Shirley Parraguirre, and having worked in the office of District Attorney Stew Bell.  Rita was introduced to me by Dan Ahlstrom, who was then sitting CCPA, and had seen Rita’s work when he was in Stew Bell’s office. I interviewed Ms. Reid, and I admit my decision included the thought that since she was good enough for Stew and Shirley she would be good enough as Assitant PA for Cahill.  A good decision turned out a great decision.  I knew I could trust Stew and Shirley!